Free Employee Onboarding Checklist

In a digital age, companies are now looking for more things to invest in, more than the retention of their talent.

Onboarding is a term that surrounds the critical moments of employees when they first get accepted. This process typically begins when the candidate takes the offer, and although it can be a formal process, there are many ways to make it fun. It is also one of the foundational building blocks of Hiring Success, but unfortunately can be highly overlooked. Doing this or not doing it can either make your employees get you to success or the complete opposite.

Employee onboarding refers to the process of being able to integrate the new employees formally into your business or organization. This involves introducing them to the company’s culture, all the teams and departments they’ll work with, and overall just welcoming them to the company. With the gap existing between the candidate and the full employee experience, onboarding takes place to close it. The way this will transition will be quick and snappy, but when given care will have long time value for the organization.

Some studies show that new hire productivity will come in a quicker way when there is an efficient and smooth onboarding experience, where 90% of employees decide whether to stay with the company in the first 6 months. With this, we can see that an onboarding process will help these new employees fully prepare for what’s gonna come to them in working in a certain company. So how do we do this in the right way?

Onboarding can take place in many ways. All companies do it differently, whatever will work for them and their style. Some of them consist of simple presentations that will inform these new hires of the procedures and policies of the company. Others do it more informally or casually where they do games, skits, costumes, etc.

Whatever approach will be used, the main objective is to make sure the new employees are comfortable and secure in the environment they’ll be working in. More than that, they have a complete idea of the skills and knowledge needed plus the culture that is set to be able to have a positive start. This is similar to how you’d test the waters on your first day of school where everything is just new which can get overwhelming but is also a fresh beginning that can benefit you.

Onboarding can also be seen as one big ice breaker that will help build the relationship between the new people hired and colleagues. This will really build their confidence and avoid any anxiety-ridden feelings and just be mentally ready to start their work.

If you and your company are immersed in onboarding, keep in mind that this process also has its formality side, and it involves taking care of several administrative tasks like filling out forms. Onboarding a large cohort will multiply these tasks that you’ll have to face. You don’t want it to be messy or all over the place, and so you need organizational tools to stay up to par with these tasks required.

Here are a free forms to onboard an employee in compliance with the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)

P.S. – if you need a tool to manage your employee database & employee-related documents, kindly check out our Snap HR+Payroll cloud software.

This blog post is brought to you by our free accounting software and free payroll software Snap Solutions.

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